Since May 2007 Labour have been looking for the magic spell that will make the SNP disappear. Having relied solely on the "sums don't add up" formula to see them through years of competition with the SNP, Labour has searched since for something that will do the trick as effectively.
Wendy - she of the planet sized intellectual pretensions - was supposed to be able to conjure up a suitable scheme. Struggling from the start to find an easy solution to the SNP problem, Wendy conscripted to Labour's cause an army of vulnerable two year olds; "socialism"; Jackie "Nuke-em" Baillie and a score of other temporary human shields and fly by night substitutes for policy.
In recent times Scottish Labour must have felt its luck was on the up. Global economic collapse, Brown's dead cat bounce, press gullibility and the problems of Iceland seemed to have combined nicely to create the magic potion that, in a puff of smoke, would make the SNP disappear forever – the thing devolution was supposed to do but didn’t.
As they stand round the cauldron stirring together these ingredients Labour seem to be unaware that they are doing nothing more than bringing back to life the two monsters – let’s call them Fear and Negativity - which overwhelmed them in the first place.
For at the heart of Scottish Labour there remains an enduring unanswered question - what are they for? To be perpetually against something is just not good enough – for one thing it is extremely unattractive to voters. To revel in the misfortunes of others and to make electoral capital at the expense of confidence in Scotland’s economy is evidence of moral and political bankruptcy.
If stories in today’s papers are to be believed, Glenrothes is already won for the nationalist cause. If that is true then we must be grateful to the huge effort that so many thousands of SNP members and supporters have put in to make it possible. I hope the predictions are right. If they are they will confirm what I said in an earlier post - Brown has already been bounced.
Interestingly Iain Gray, the leader of the Labour members in the Scottish Parliament, has been relatively quiet on the attacking Scotland front. Maybe he has had the nouse to understand that running down the country plays badly with voters – after all, the tactic lost Labour the election last year. In the event of an SNP win, it would be interesting to speculate on Mr Gray’s views on the role played by Jingo Jim Murphy in bringing about such a result.
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Have you seen the Order-Order website. Guido has scanned minutes from Labour party meeting about Glenrothes. Worth reading.
Yes, I read them on the Sunday Post web site. I think it was Campbell Gunn, the SP politics guy, that broke the story.
I think the minutes confirm what other evidence suggests. Labour are lost with nowhere to go.
Gorbals - took your advice and visited Guido's site. I think the following comment sums up the document:
"It's like the written version of speaking in tongues"
A few highlights - in some kind of order.
Party in Fife not geared up for modern campaigning, across Fife 5.5 % swing to SNP. They work hard to indentify support and get them out. Key thing [for SNP] reliability of information coming in.
Identity – SNP have taken the Saltire. Labour has red flags, they have Scotland flags.
[Labour] No attraction for young people, out of date, ethos is South of England based and does not resonate in Scotland.
Symbolism of SNP and Saltire used politically needs to addressed.
Scottish Labour identity, Thistle may be identifier. Kat Morrison says Labour’s indentity in Scotland – need more connection. Not just kilts and flags – Red Thistles talked about for years.
PROUD TO BE LABOUR – indenitity and profile.
Proud to be Scottish Labour. More advertising – Fife Labour Logo.
Local – services to elderly, services to young people. Incontinence pads, no money to increase to bigger size.
Incompetence thrives in the council and needs to be addressed. Customer scoring system is needed.
Support from HQ welcomed, but needs local level support – small number of volunteers. Lost support of Student movement/NUS.
SNP have one-off chance for independence – feel good factor.
2010 Nov maximum profile and view on independence.
25-16% flat line support for independence. SNP well organised. Salmond 60pts ahead of where Swinney was.
SNP did not save Callaghan and let the Tories in.
GB should stay more GB than presidential. Tony B was showman, charismatic with brains behind him. [GB] Serious politician with lack of brains behind him.
ClBalgonie new payment from FC to Moffet & (illegible). Bought bus back from Stagecoach.
MR.- Tackle Salmond. West Fife - Chapman never out of Press.
Focus on Nationalists. Campaigning strategy needs to be worked on.
A.R.- Inviting dialogue on gathering views on how we work together and what what our priorities should be, Need to be confident and promote Labour. Big issues - Social work and Housing Cuts. Better coordinate media work. Kingdom FM better contact needed. AR saying busy in morning dry time
Labour Group newsletter done and sent out to all LP members in Fife. Drive further on Coal issues. Feedback form included.
Glasgow By-election - Party in Fife not geared up for modern campaigning - across Fife 5.5% swing to SNP. They work hard to identify their support and get them out. Hold masses of data on SNP support - organisation compared to (illegible) & West Fife LP organisation was was much better. Key Thing was reliability of information coming in. People had voted SNP but we had Them as Labour voters . SNP info was more pliable(?) than ours.
SNP candidate Glasgow councillor - very popular - he got back to (illegible) people, he put off time with people, he kept in touch.
Identity - SNP have taken THE SALTIRE. SNP cllrs are not working the wards. Lab has red flags they have Scotland flags.
TRUST - never seen LABOUR - negative G.B not an issue - Pilot campaign in Levenmouth/(illegible) we fund freepost for that that pilot - follow up will be to Trades Unions for funding. Use contract creator to harness information. Alex got 140 responses even though they had to put a stamp on to respond.
Significantly responses included e-mail and telephone contact. We will run training from office to set up databases.
Mark will be campaign coordinator for Levenmouth area.
Kelty C.C. going crazy on bus cuts.
Cut back on criticism and generate action and if mistakes happen.
SUNDAY 1030 Benaty - some letters to deliver - Take SNP on - non positive on Labour negative on SNP - (illegible) on Liberals - Thomas very active
Bill McColluch - freepost working well in Diline West Fife.
JH- Lost touch as Party - At Coop summerfest youth programme ran concurrently - no attraction for young people - out of date - ethos is South of England based and it does not resonate in Scotland.
Don't gel as a group - seperate people doing our things.
Constantly dealing with constituents - dont understand all issues.
Betty Cumphile(?)- more education needed. I interact with people well enough - people contacted me and Peter Grat who said. Auchnusty(?) Macedonia have had newsletter. Kinglanse(?) is getting isolated. Betty had problems hearing.
LGroup has value for her as new cllr.
Have to complain (illegible) 3 times to get things done New locality manager may help.
Symbolism of SNP and SALTIRE used politically needs to be addressed ass Lab Grp perhaps at enough car stickers, lapel badges, bumper stickers
Ther is an SNP movement - Lab movement has stagnated
Trades Union contact. Need to sort out things like worker nights. Indus action simpler smoother process.
Cost to CLPs for Labour material is too expensive locally - incompetence Thrives in The Council and customer scoring system is needed.
Tom Adams - what structure do we have where members have a direct say. Dont see management structure.
South Labour identity - Thistle may be our identifier
More affordable to join - better with 4 people at £5 Than 1 person at £20. By-election - economy was not an issue but economy is huge issue - price of gas will put people out of.
Leadership in Scotland is lacking in Party. F.C. on strike - what can we do - on picket lines?
Kay Morrison - Labour's identity in Scotland - need more connection. Not just kilts and flags - Red Thistles talked about for years - work better as group - efect of cuts. More focus more organised - support from HQ welcomed but needs local level support - small number of volunteers - dont pressure The small group. How can we effectively target. Personal identity Labour allegiance and pride in being.
Structure local cllr meetings - plan for creation and delivery of newsletters. Desireability if team meeting regularly writing to all local newspapers would need to be formalised. PROUD TO BE LABOUR. IDENTITY AND PROFILE.
Bill McC - not just an identity issue more complicated.
A.R. wider policy agenda. SNP are riding an identity.
Labour + Trades Union movement - we need to re-focus to That - fell part of movement and family - Party structures are important and we need to review(?) Press pack influencing leadership - Those who are disloyal will weaken and defeat us. We dont do business Through media.
LOCAL - Services to elderly, services to young people
- incontinence (illegible) no (illegible) to increase to bigger size
- Nationally we are not together.
Biggest bus cuts ever locally - hospital + Education - schools - FutureTrust nothing(?) in This Parliament. Economy Tourism (illegible) - Tourism in Fife down from 38 to 9 - East of Scotland team in ML office - only 12.5m for local regeneration. Support down south in construction - no support in Scotland Food & Drink & Tourism - funding cut - none for training - work together.
Claire - How we behaved in Govt - focus on govt and lost touch with local organisations. Student Support and Higher Ed - work with Student movement/NUS. Office in Methil(?) - positive feedback - Central Heating Programme - God local press strategy and keep pressure on Tricia.
John Parlc- lack of acceptance about where we were. View was minority would unravel in weeks. Wendy did the right thing. We governed with longer term decision making - SNP have one-off chance for independence - feelgood factor 2010 NOB mamimum profile and view on independence. 25-26% flatline support now for independence.
SNP well organised party. Salmond 60pts ahead of
where (illegible) was. Salmond maybe biggest strength but possibly biggest weakness. Working with cllrs in (illegible) Billy liddle, Upper Forth Crossing, By.Pas campaign, re-regulation of buses. People want Labour to do well in Glasgow East - (illegible).
Thomas Docherly(?) - All member meets (illegible), cllr report, MOP, MSP report. Scrapped G.C. meetings to quaterly. Monthly fundraising - hosting hustings at East End Park on 24 August.
Since NOV (illegible) 40,000 leaflets and 20,000 direct mail. Surveys and canvasing proposes(?) - Big plan canvas 38%(?) Aug in May 40% Postal Vote strategy by raised.
Bob Eadie - 10 months to Euro election Debate in
RICHARD, CLAIR + BOB, C - Email them as I am talking to Pensioners Group (ticked).
Single outcome agreement - No money behind it - Trojan Horse - Govt will blame local authority for not delivering - Ringfencing was not liked by LA's - (illegible) - we were not listened to by our leaders - How front bench listen - everyone wants to be listened to -
Glasgow East - local cllrs did not do anything, MSP and MP did not put too much out.
Thomas - we target message to communities
Raymond - Values not Income.
Proud to be Scottish Labour. More advertising - Fife Labour logo - Mark will work on That.
Identify vote - mountain of work - concentrate on database. Identify vote in streets - cuts in social work should be with SNP in Fife.
Experience of Housing Services - cllr has to follow up regularly to get this done - filling gap by chasing around. Local S.N has broken down. 1st rate staff with 3rd rate systems and (illegible) processes. Deaf Community.
Ieun Crichton - dont need to wrap myself in tartan, SNP has momentum. IF you are not SNP you lack Scottishness. Address what's Labour ever done for us.
Closer links with Labour and Trades Unions. Getting rid of Incapacity Benefit - Why? Work for benefits release during election probably cost - G.B photo with Thatcher big mistake - SNP did not save Callaghan and let Tories in. Use of socialism or socialist. Most people who contact me probably have not voted and dont know who I am.
Raymond - Party - proud of very local Kinglamie(?, Fife, Scottish, UK international - Saltire with Rose as logo - GB should stay more GB than Presidential - Tony B was showman, charismatic with brains behind him. Serious politician with lack of brains behind him Blairite/Brownite disastrous needs to stop. Local and(?) Nah press against us. Cllr + MSP need to know bigger picture on how we will come Through This.
(Illegible)/popular/politics SNP do well. Glasgow fought OK fight well but lost on local views. Party too close to Industry leaders - get back to
Alex Rowley - John Simpson has come off all Strategic Committees - He has stopped surgeries(?) but he will start back again, PFAM - Mike Rumney ST(?) + AUDIT -
Social work -
Scottish Ass L. Cllrs - Plans on Scottish Policy Forum - 1 man 1 woman - Let D.Ross know. New Group meal schedule will be circulated.
(Illegible) and Levenmouth Pilot with Meurle(?) as Coordinator leaflet for Gleus(?) area of Kily which is part of ASB biggest policy issue. Work ward by ward to get leaflets out.
Spokesperson meeting in next week or so. (Illegible) in group on Communications needs sorted - Lots of material to attack on. ML coordination of MSP meetings needs to be addressed.
Discuss attendance and input to Committees of Fife Council.
Area clTee(?) needs ability to scrutinise Partnerships which have major spending priorities.
Campaign Against Charges - Working with Independents and Tories - concerted effort, All Opposition parties working together. 9/9 next social work & Health clTee(?). Mark will send round The questions and be asked on social work charges.
24/8 2PM East End Park Need to register at Scottish Labour Office - online or e-mail. D.Ross will forward.TRANSCRIPT
ClBalgonie new payment from FC to Moffet & (illegible). Bought bus back from Stagecoach.
MR.- Tackle Salmond. West Fife - Chapman never out of Press.
Focus on Nationalists. Campaigning strategy needs to be worked on.
A.R.- Inviting dialogue on gathering views on how we work together and what what our priorities should be, Need to be confident and promote Labour. Big issues - Social work and Housing Cuts. Better coordinate media work. Kingdom FM better contact needed. AR saying busy in morning dry time
Labour Group newsletter done and sent out to all LP members in Fife. Drive further on Coal issues. Feedback form included.
Glasgow By-election - Party in Fife not geared up for modern campaigning - across Fife 5.5% swing to SNP. They work hard to identify their support and get them out. Hold masses of data on SNP support - organisation compared to (illegible) & West Fife LP organisation was was much better. Key Thing was reliability of information coming in. People had voted SNP but we had Them as Labour voters . SNP info was more pliable(?) than ours.
SNP candidate Glasgow councillor - very popular - he got back to (illegible) people, he put off time with people, he kept in touch.
Identity - SNP have taken THE SALTIRE. SNP cllrs are not working the wards. Lab has red flags they have Scotland flags.
TRUST - never seen LABOUR - negative G.B not an issue - Pilot campaign in Levenmouth/(illegible) we fund freepost for that that pilot - follow up will be to Trades Unions for funding. Use contract creator to harness information. Alex got 140 responses even though they had to put a stamp on to respond.
Significantly responses included e-mail and telephone contact. We will run training from office to set up databases.
Mark will be campaign coordinator for Levenmouth area.
Kelty C.C. going crazy on bus cuts.
Cut back on criticism and generate action and if mistakes happen.
SUNDAY 1030 Benaty - some letters to deliver - Take SNP on - non positive on Labour negative on SNP - (illegible) on Liberals - Thomas very active
Bill McColluch - freepost working well in Diline West Fife.
JH- Lost touch as Party - At Coop summerfest youth programme ran concurrently - no attraction for young people - out of date - ethos is South of England based and it does not resonate in Scotland.
Don't gel as a group - seperate people doing our things.
Constantly dealing with constituents - dont understand all issues.
Betty Cumphile(?)- more education needed. I interact with people well enough - people contacted me and Peter Grat who said. Auchnusty(?) Macedonia have had newsletter. Kinglanse(?) is getting isolated. Betty had problems hearing.
LGroup has value for her as new cllr.
Have to complain (illegible) 3 times to get things done New locality manager may help.
Symbolism of SNP and SALTIRE used politically needs to be addressed ass Lab Grp perhaps at enough car stickers, lapel badges, bumper stickers
Ther is an SNP movement - Lab movement has stagnated
Trades Union contact. Need to sort out things like worker nights. Indus action simpler smoother process.
Cost to CLPs for Labour material is too expensive locally - incompetence Thrives in The Council and customer scoring system is needed.
Tom Adams - what structure do we have where members have a direct say. Dont see management structure.
South Labour identity - Thistle may be our identifier
More affordable to join - better with 4 people at £5 Than 1 person at £20. By-election - economy was not an issue but economy is huge issue - price of gas will put people out of.
Leadership in Scotland is lacking in Party. F.C. on strike - what can we do - on picket lines?
Kay Morrison - Labour's identity in Scotland - need more connection. Not just kilts and flags - Red Thistles talked about for years - work better as group - efect of cuts. More focus more organised - support from HQ welcomed but needs local level support - small number of volunteers - dont pressure The small group. How can we effectively target. Personal identity Labour allegiance and pride in being.
Structure local cllr meetings - plan for creation and delivery of newsletters. Desireability if team meeting regularly writing to all local newspapers would need to be formalised. PROUD TO BE LABOUR. IDENTITY AND PROFILE.
Bill McC - not just an identity issue more complicated.
A.R. wider policy agenda. SNP are riding an identity.
Labour + Trades Union movement - we need to re-focus to That - fell part of movement and family - Party structures are important and we need to review(?) Press pack influencing leadership - Those who are disloyal will weaken and defeat us. We dont do business Through media.
LOCAL - Services to elderly, services to young people
- incontinence (illegible) no (illegible) to increase to bigger size
- Nationally we are not together.
Biggest bus cuts ever locally - hospital + Education - schools - FutureTrust nothing(?) in This Parliament. Economy Tourism (illegible) - Tourism in Fife down from 38 to 9 - East of Scotland team in ML office - only 12.5m for local regeneration. Support down south in construction - no support in Scotland Food & Drink & Tourism - funding cut - none for training - work together.
Claire - How we behaved in Govt - focus on govt and lost touch with local organisations. Student Support and Higher Ed - work with Student movement/NUS. Office in Methil(?) - positive feedback - Central Heating Programme - God local press strategy and keep pressure on Tricia.
John Parlc- lack of acceptance about where we were. View was minority would unravel in weeks. Wendy did the right thing. We governed with longer term decision making - SNP have one-off chance for independence - feelgood factor 2010 NOB mamimum profile and view on independence. 25-26% flatline support now for independence.
SNP well organised party. Salmond 60pts ahead of
where (illegible) was. Salmond maybe biggest strength but possibly biggest weakness. Working with cllrs in (illegible) Billy liddle, Upper Forth Crossing, By.Pas campaign, re-regulation of buses. People want Labour to do well in Glasgow East - (illegible).
Thomas Docherly(?) - All member meets (illegible), cllr report, MOP, MSP report. Scrapped G.C. meetings to quaterly. Monthly fundraising - hosting hustings at East End Park on 24 August.
Since NOV (illegible) 40,000 leaflets and 20,000 direct mail. Surveys and canvasing proposes(?) - Big plan canvas 38%(?) Aug in May 40% Postal Vote strategy by raised.
Bob Eadie - 10 months to Euro election Debate in
RICHARD, CLAIR + BOB, C - Email them as I am talking to Pensioners Group (ticked).
Single outcome agreement - No money behind it - Trojan Horse - Govt will blame local authority for not delivering - Ringfencing was not liked by LA's - (illegible) - we were not listened to by our leaders - How front bench listen - everyone wants to be listened to -
Glasgow East - local cllrs did not do anything, MSP and MP did not put too much out.
Thomas - we target message to communities
Raymond - Values not Income.
Proud to be Scottish Labour. More advertising - Fife Labour logo - Mark will work on That.
Identify vote - mountain of work - concentrate on database. Identify vote in streets - cuts in social work should be with SNP in Fife.
Experience of Housing Services - cllr has to follow up regularly to get this done - filling gap by chasing around. Local S.N has broken down. 1st rate staff with 3rd rate systems and (illegible) processes. Deaf Community.
Ieun Crichton - dont need to wrap myself in tartan, SNP has momentum. IF you are not SNP you lack Scottishness. Address what's Labour ever done for us.
Closer links with Labour and Trades Unions. Getting rid of Incapacity Benefit - Why? Work for benefits release during election probably cost - G.B photo with Thatcher big mistake - SNP did not save Callaghan and let Tories in. Use of socialism or socialist. Most people who contact me probably have not voted and dont know who I am.
Raymond - Party - proud of very local Kinglamie(?, Fife, Scottish, UK international - Saltire with Rose as logo - GB should stay more GB than Presidential - Tony B was showman, charismatic with brains behind him. Serious politician with lack of brains behind him Blairite/Brownite disastrous needs to stop. Local and(?) Nah press against us. Cllr + MSP need to know bigger picture on how we will come Through This.
(Illegible)/popular/politics SNP do well. Glasgow fought OK fight well but lost on local views. Party too close to Industry leaders - get back to
Alex Rowley - John Simpson has come off all Strategic Committees - He has stopped surgeries(?) but he will start back again, PFAM - Mike Rumney ST(?) + AUDIT -
Social work -
Scottish Ass L. Cllrs - Plans on Scottish Policy Forum - 1 man 1 woman - Let D.Ross know. New Group meal schedule will be circulated.
(Illegible) and Levenmouth Pilot with Meurle(?) as Coordinator leaflet for Gleus(?) area of Kily which is part of ASB biggest policy issue. Work ward by ward to get leaflets out.
Spokesperson meeting in next week or so. (Illegible) in group on Communications needs sorted - Lots of material to attack on. ML coordination of MSP meetings needs to be addressed.
Discuss attendance and input to Committees of Fife Council.
Area clTee(?) needs ability to scrutinise Partnerships which have major spending priorities.
Campaign Against Charges - Working with Independents and Tories - concerted effort, All Opposition parties working together. 9/9 next social work & Health clTee(?). Mark will send round The questions and be asked on social work charges.
24/8 2PM East End Park Need to register at Scottish Labour Office - online or e-mail. D.Ross will forward.
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